Occupational Lung Diseases

Occupational lung diseases arise from exposure to materials in the workplace and encompass various conditions like occupational asthma, industrial bronchitis, and interstitial lung diseases such as pneumoconiosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. These diseases can result from direct exposure or immune reactions to dusts, chemicals, proteins, or organisms.

Specific conditions include:

  • Asbestosis: Caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, leading to lung scarring and stiffness, commonly seen in construction work.
  • Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis: Results from inhaling coal dust, causing lung inflammation and scarring, leading to long-term lung damage.
  • Silicosis: Arises from inhaling crystalline silica dust, found in mines and foundries, increasing the risk of various lung diseases.
  • Byssinosis: Caused by dust from hemp, flax, and cotton processing, resulting in chest tightness and breathlessness.
  • Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: An allergic lung disease triggered by various substances, leading to lung inflammation and infected air sacs.
  • Work-related Asthma: Occurs due to exposure to dusts, gases, fumes, and vapors, causing asthma symptoms like coughing and wheezing, potentially reversible if diagnosed early.


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