Respiratory Organizing Committee
Mohammed I. Ranavaya,
Marshall University School of Medicine
Biography: Prof. Ranavaya is a Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medic ReadMore...
Research Interest: Lung Diseases, Asthma, Occupational Pulmonary Diseases, Occu ReadMore...
Camilo Corbellini
Casa di Cura Villa Serena Piossasco
Biography: Camilo Corbellini is a skilled Respiratory Physiotherapist at Casa di ReadMore...
Research Interest: Respiratory Diseases, Pulmonology, Asthama
Ahmed Al-Jumaily
Auckland University of Technology
New Zealand
Biography: Ahmed Al-Jumail did PhD and MSc from the Ohio State University and BSc ReadMore...
Research Interest: Lung Disorders, Biomedical Engineering, Respiratory Disorder ReadMore...
Yasser Elsaid
Air Force Hospital
Biography: Dr. Yasser Elsaid is working in Specialized Air Force Hospital Head of ReadMore...
Research Interest: Pulmonology, Thoracoscopy
Robert Lins
University of Antwerpen
Biography: Robert Lins is a Project Director Respiratory Diseases, SGS Clinical R ReadMore...
Research Interest: Respiratory Diseases, Pulmonary Medicine, Hypertension
Faisal Abdullatif Alnaser
Former Vice President
Arabian Gulf University
Biography: Professor and honorary faculty of Imperial College, London, Fellow of ReadMore...
Research Interest: Community Medicine, Family medicine, Elderly and child care, ReadMore...
Bashar Hanna Azar
Head of department
Hawler medical university
Biography: Bashar Hanna Azar has completed his M.B.Ch. B. at the age of 24years f ReadMore...
Research Interest: Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery
Vaibhav Chachra
Consultant & Head
Max Superspeciality Hospital
Biography: Dr Vaibhav Chachra has completed his MD in 2012 and is one of the you ReadMore...
Research Interest: Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine
Mark A. Socinski
Executive Medical Director
Advent Health Cancer Institute
Biography: Dr. Mark A. Socinski is a board-certified, fellowship trained medical ReadMore...
Research Interest: Lung cancer, Oncology